
Monday, March 25, 2019

Crickets :: essays research papers fc

Insects have been anuisance to man since the beginning of time, upuntil the present. angiotensin converting enzyme of the plagues that struckEgypt was swarms of plays, and locusts, whichdestroyed crops, and ate entire fields. Swarms ofcrickets can cover up to 210 km. There havebeen cases of up to 100,000,000,000 insects in aswarm (one atomic number 6 billion). In these hugemasses, they can completely destroy the land ande verything on a farm. I chose to do this experimentbecause when I am at camp I am constantlywoken up by the showy chirping of these annoyinginsects. There argon three types of crickets MoleCrickets, Field Crickets, and field Crickets. TheMole Crickets body is designed for diggingsubterraneous tunnels. This Crickets body is welladapted to digging. The Mole Cricket usu altogethery livesin hot dry areas, and are extremely denigrating toplants such as barley, and flax The Field Crickethas had a history in ancient China. This cricketsbeautiful song was held in pe culiarly high esteem.These crickets were often kept in exquisitelyornamented cages made of sandalwood, os orjade. The Most common cricket is the housecricket. The house crickets body is more slenderthan that of the field cricket. It is also in the mainlighter in color. This crickets appears in abundancein central Europe, such as cellars, houses,bakeries, and so on. Procedure Problem How doI begin a cricket deterrent that is environmentallyfriendly? Hypothesis If I use a deterrent that has astrong odor, then it will deter the crickets from thatarea. 2 I started my experiment by first acquire 60crickets. The crickets were stored in bags untilthey were ready to be used. I purchased a fireplastic box with holes in the top for breathing. Imade a divider out of cardboard and secured it inthe center of the box, making quartet equal sections.One section was the control, and in the others Iput a deterrent. Two tests were made that werethrown out because they were irrelevant. In thefirs t case, the crickets were non deterred at all byany of the substances. The test was done outside,and the crickets seemed to scarce move theirposition depending on the location of the sun. Thecrickets seemed only deterred by the sun. They allmoved to wherever the shadow of the sun seemedthe darkest. I concluded that crickets aredeterred, to some extent, by sunlight. The othertest seemed erroneous because all of the cricketsdied very quickly. In this test, the crickets all diedwithin 15 minutes, in whichever substance theywent in first. There was too much of liquid in each

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